Start your company while studying Cybersecurity!

Master of Engineering

Start your company while studying


Entrepreneurial Cybersecurity
Master of Engineering

Start your company while studying Cybersecurity!

Start your company while studying Cybersecurity!

Entrepreneurial Cybersecurity (M.Eng.) at Saarland University

The Master course of study Entrepreneurial Cybersecurity has been discontinued as per Winter Semester 2024/25. However, its specialized courses are now all integrated in our regular Cybersecurity (M. Sc.) Master course - in particular, a new "Founder's Lab" three-semester course series helps you creating and refining your own startup idea. On top, the great startup support of CISPA and Saarland University help you in acquiring funding, protecting your IP, get access to entrepreneurs and founders, and much more. Go with Cybersecurity!
  • Lectures, tutorials on state-of-the-art research in Computer Science and Cybersecurity/Cryptography
  • Supervision & mentoring by CISPA cybersecurity experts & successful entrepreneurs
  • Develop your own startup project in three semesters– from state-of-the-art research to market-ready products
  • Computer Science: top CHE ranking, 6 internationally renowned computer science institutions
  • Excellent working conditions: coworking spaces, support by IT-Security Incubator, option to pitch for additional funding.
  • Acquire relevant knowledge in business administration, accounting, and soft skills
The two CISPA Faculty Bernd Finkbeiner and Andreas Zeller were awarded the State Prize for University Teaching (Landespreis Hochschullehre) of Saarland on March 19, 2020 for their study program “Entrepreneurial Cybersecurity”.
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Entrepreneurial Cybersecurity...

...a unique combination of Cybersecurity research and your own startup project

At the end of their studies, students will have received a Master's Degree, and, ideally, have founded their startup as well. At the end of their studies, students will have received a Master's Degree, and, ideally, have founded their startup as well.

At the end of their studies,

students will have received a Master's Degree,

and, ideally, have founded their startup as well.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Zeller, Program Advisor

At the end of their studies,

students will have received a Master's Degree,

and, ideally, have founded their startup as well.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Zeller, Program Advisor

The Master's Program Entrepreneurial Cybersecurity teaches advanced techniques and state-of-the-art research in Cybersecurity and enables students to apply and put this knowledge into practice by developing a cybersecurity project, write a proof of concept, and develop a market-ready product.

Thus, it combines our strong research at Saarland Informatics Campus, top-ranked in CHE rankings, especially in the area of Cybersecurity with a market-oriented application. Students will work in close collaboration with Cyberecurity researchers at CISPA − Helmholtz Center for Information Security on campus, who will support and guide students in finding and developing their project ideas.

The Master's Program was aimed at students with a Bachelor's Degree in Cybersecurity, Computer Science or a related area. Since our program is held in English, proficient knowledge of English was required (level B2). Please find detailed information on prerequisites and modalities at the Master's website of Saarland University.
  • Bachelor's Degree in Cybersecurity, Computer Science, or a related subject
  • Proficiency in English (level B2) since the program is held in English
  • Interest in applying Cybersecurity research and developing your own ideas to found a company
For a Secure Future.
Course details

Entrepreneurial Cybersecurity:

Saarland University is the first university to combine Cybersecurity Research with the foundation of a startup leading to a degree of „Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)”. 50% of the program is dedicated to lectures and seminars in „Cybersecurity” and „Computer Science” complemented by courses in „Business Administration” teaching you the basics to found a successful company. The other 50% of the program consist of a „Cybersecurity Project” which is developed in small groups of 3 students, closely supervised by our mentors. Finally, your contribution is summarized in your „Master's Thesis”.

The Master course of study "Entrepreneurial Cybersecurity” teaches students advanced techniques and in-depth research results from the field of cybersecurity and enables them to realize these techniques in an entrepreneurial, practice-oriented way. The course of study consists of three parts:
  • ⅜ of the course of study consist of courses and seminars on cybersecurity and computer science that teach abilities for scientific work as well as in-depth foundations and relevant research results. In optional and elective courses, students can set a personal focus and specialize further. In particular, students can use study content to turn current research results into an entrepreneurial startup; a lecture series establishes contacts between students and researchers and their ideas.
  • ½ of the course of study consists of a founder’s project including a related Master's thesis, in which students work in groups for three semesters on a startup idea from cybersecurity, with the goal to actually create a startup during or after their studies. The students thus learn how to realize current research results in a user- and market-oriented fashion, and they acquire important qualifications such as social competence and responsible team work. Presentations and demonstrations (“sales pitches”) in front of mentors, founders, and investors, challenge the students' technical and social skills in order to refine the startup idea further. In the final Master#s thesis, students can highlight their own personal contribution towards the startup project. The final presentation of the startup project can also decide on further investments.
  • ⅛ of the course of study consists of complementary courses, in which students acquire further qualifications for startup creation, including startup courses, business administration, an application domain, or soft skills.

By combining these three parts, the course of study prepares for demanding, innovative, and responsible activities in transferring recent research results in the areas of cybersecurity and computer science towards users and markets. While the course of study primarily aims towards creating a startup, the acquired capabilities will allow for research and development activities in a multitude of work contexts.

We provide excellent working conditions. You can work in groups in our coworking spaces and meeting rooms. You will present your cybersecurity project in pitches both in front of an internal and, later on, external audience, thus, enabling you to compete for additional external funding for your product. Our IT-Security Incubator offers additional guidance and support during your studies. There is an option to join the incubator program after you finished your studies. Below you will find an overview of the program structure that spans four semesters.

Semester 1

Lectures in Cybersecurity, related areas of Computer Science, optional courses (30 ECTS)

Lecture Series "Perspectives of Cybersecurity" on current research topics

Find your scientific mentor and form small groups of 2-4 students.

Semester 2

Lectures in Cybersecurity, related areas of Computer Science, optional courses (15 ECTS)

Cybersecurity Project: first prototype, internal sales pitch (15 ECTS)

Semester 3

Lectures in Cybersecurity, related areas of Computer Science, optional courses (15 ECTS)

Cybersecurity Project: Refine your prototype, sales pitch in front of an external audience (15 ECTS)

Semester 4

Master's Thesis: based on your project, typically, a description of your contribution to the proof of concept. (15 ECTS)

Cybersecurity Project: Proof of Concept, Business plan, Sales pitch in front of investors and supporters. (15 ECTS)

What our students say
At the end of their studies, students will have received a Master's Degree, and, ideally, have founded their startup as well At the end of their studies, students will have received a Master's Degree, and, ideally, have founded their startup as well.

In our study program, you are not just taking on any given projects, but you can work on your own ideas and projects to make a living after finishing your studies - which I found very motivating!

Marius Bleif, Graduate of the ECS program

In our study program, you are not just taking on any given projects, but you can work on your own ideas and projects to make a living after finishing your studies - which I found very motivating!

Marius Bleif, Graduate of the ECS program

Saarland University
Prepare your stay at Saarland University

The CISPA − Helmholtz Center for Information Security is a German national Big Science Institution within the Helmholtz Association. Its research agenda comprises all aspects of Information Security.
With its ongoing growth, CISPA will have the critical mass of researchers (500+) to provide a comprehensive, holistic treatment of the pressing grand cybersecurity and privacy research challenges that our society faces in the age of digitalization. CISPA seeks to play a prominent international role on research, transfer, and innovation by combining cutting-edge, often disruptive foundational research with innovative application-oriented research, corresponding technology transfer, and societal outreach. Thematically, it strives to cover the full spectrum from theory to empirical research. It is deeply grounded in computer science and works interdisciplinarily with researchers in adjacent fields such as medicine, law, and the social sciences.

The Master's Program is fully held in English. No knowledge of German is required for your studies.
There are no general study fees in Germany. Current administrative and social student fees are around 300 EUR per semester. Please find more detailed information on study fees here:
Entrepreneurial Cybersecurity requires a BSc in Cybersecurity, Computer Science or a related subject; with a BSc in Electronics and Communications Engineering,or such, you may have to take extra courses with us, depending on the courses you already took.
You can find more detailed information on program details, requirements, and useful documents here.
Our courses assume a working time of 40 hours/week including courses, exercises, reading, and studying.
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